Primarely used as an alternative therapy based on modern western medical acupuncture and by clinically confirmed diagnosis and conditions.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing method with the help of needles which are being inserted into certain points in the skin. Based on traditional Chinese medicine; on the surface of the skin there are specific points which are connected with meridians known as energy channels transporting life energy throughout the body (Qi).
Based on ancient Chinese philosophy the whole universe as well as the human body functions with the opposing actions energy-yin yang; which are flowing through those connecting channels. When those two life forces are in balance, the body is healthy. If an energy blockage occurs in any of the meridians, bodily functions begin to weaken which leads to pain, disorder and illness.
By inserting needles into specific points on the body, we are striving to balance the vital energy which leads to easing the symptoms of different illnesses and the beginning of a natural self-healing proccess. By that we mean, when the vital energy runs smoothly throughout the body meridians, healthy balance of yin yang is being held.
Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of acupuncture. In 1979 the Word Health Organization has officially accepted acupuncture as an effective healing method of many illnesses.
The Western medical acupuncture is a method developed out of the traditional Chinese acupuncture, used by modern knowledge of anatomy, philosophy and pathology, as well as the principles of medicine based on evidence. You can find out more on west medical acupuncture by CLICK ON THIS LINK.